present perfect simple have/has +动词过去分词 表示已经完成 某事I have done my homework.(我已经做完功课.)present perfect simple have/has + been + 动词现在分词 表示某事或动作已经开始,还在进行中I have b... 分析总结。 presentperfectsimplehavehasbeen动词现在分词表示某事或动作已经开始还在进行中ihave...
present perfect simple就是现在完成时. have\has listened. 分析总结。 比如listen的这个时态是怎么样的什么时候要用这个时态结果一 题目 英语present perfect simple是如何比如listen的这个时态是怎么样的,什么时候要用这个时态 答案 present perfect simple就是现在完成时.have\has listened.相关推荐 1英语present perfe...
Present Perfect Simple的基本用法: 1.表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 - I have lost my keys. How can I get into my house?(我把钥匙丢了,我怎么进家门啊?) - Have you finished your homework yet?(你作业做完了吗?) 2.表示过去开始的动作一直持续到现在。 - She has lived here for ...
sgoneout”•Ihaveknownhimfor2years.past present future Usedforrecentlycompletedactions •Ow!I’vecutmyfinger!•Ican’tfindmykey.IthinkI’velostit.For\sinceever,just,already,before,never,not…yet,lately,sofar,always.PresentPerfect(Simple)7a.m action 12p.m momentofspeaking morning afternoon ...
present perfect simple就是现在完成时。 have\has listened.
present perfect continuous和present perfect simple的区别与用法 答案 前者是现在完成进行时,表示以前做的事延续到现在还在做.I have been living here for 10 years.我在这住了10年了,而且现在还住在这后者是一般现在时,表示经常或习惯性动作,没有延续的意思.I go shopping every sunda...相关推荐 1present per...
一般现在完成时态。表示目前的状态、结果、或者经历。谓语部分:have / has+过去分词e.g. 1. I have finished my homework. 2. It has been very hot recently. 3. He has ever been to Shanghai .
The present perfect simple tense can be confusing. This article explores the form of this tense, and usage, and provides examples to make it easier for you to
The structure of the Present Perfect is: have/has done 现在完成时结构:have/has done ● When we talk about something that happened in the past, but we don’t specify precisely when it happened, we usethe Present Perfect. ● 表示某事发生在过去,但并未给出具体的发生时间,用现在完成时。