【OK】Present perfect and present perfect continuous时态和语态 Grammarandusage PresentperfecttenseVSpresentperfectcontinuoustense 一、现在完成时(Presentcontinuoustense)【构成】主动:have/has+过去分词;被动:have/has+been+过去分词。1.表过去发生的动作,对现在造成的影响和结果。Hehaspaidhisincometax.Whohas...
Below, we explain the six main uses of the present perfect tense with examples. 1 An ongoing action that started in the past but has not yet been completed This is the primary usage of the present perfect tense, which demonstrates the relationship between an action started in the past and ...
现在完成时态、简单时态或进行时态-基本英语语法Present Perfect Tense Simple or Continuous - Basic English Grammar, 视频播放量 413、弹幕量 0、点赞数 10、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 36、转发人数 1, 视频作者 璐璐2182, 作者简介 是非以不辩为解脱,相关视频:要被这两
How is present perfect continuous tense used?Tense:In the English language, we use various modes of tense to indicate when an action is taking place as well as the nature of the action such as if it happened, is on-going, or will eventually happen....
present continuous tense 跟present perfect continuous tense的混乱 两个都是指"已完成一些东西..但还要继续做" 那该用哪一个?我好乱 答案 现在进行时态.和现在完成进行时态. 要具体情况具体分析. 1)I am studying English(强调现在或现在阶段的动作) 2) I have been studying English since last year.(强调...
Present perfect continuous tense现在完成进行时 A Exploring the rules A探索规则Below is a personal account given by a girl who is equipped with a下面是一个配备了一只机械手臂的女孩的个人叙述。 找到使robotic hand. Find the sentences that use the present perfect用现在完成进行时的句子,并填写在下面的...
Takeaways from Present Perfect Continuous Tense Usage: Describes actions that started in the past and are still happening now or have recently stopped. Structure: Positive Sentences: Subject + have/has + been + verb+ing (e.g., "She has been reading.") Negative Sentences: Subject + have/has...
Fill in the blanks with the present perfect tense of the verbs in brackets.(用括号里动词的现在完成时态来填充空格。) Today, we are going to talk about the present perfect continuous tense.(今天,我们谈谈什么是现在完成进行时。) When we use the present perfect, there is a connection with ...
The present perfect continuous (also known as the present perfect progressive) is a verb tense used to talk about something that started in the past and is continuing at the present time. The formula is [have/has] + [been] + [present participle (verb + -ing)]. Words that mark time, ...
The present perfect continuous tense is used when:The action started in the past. The action continued at the time of speaking/writing or the action just finished at the time of speaking/writing The statement answers "how long" an action has been happening. The action has happened ...