高中英语外研版选择性必修第一册Unit 6 Period 3 Using language—Present perfect continuous.pdf,Period3 Usinglanguage—Presentperfect continuous 感知以下句子,并完成方框下面的练习 1.Allthistime,thesong “Sky Railway”hasbeenplayinginsidemyhead. 2.Thejou
resent perfect continuousPresent perfect continuousIhave been workingin the garden all day, and now Im extremely tired.S
Click here to download this explanation as a PDF. Learn about USING the present perfect continuous here. How to form the present perfect continuous It's not a very common tense, and often it's not taught in classes, but we do use it sometimes and it's very good to know how to make...
内容提示: Present Perfect Continuous Tense I have been singing How do we make the Present Perfect Continuous Tense? The structure of the present perfect continuous tense is: subject + auxiliary verb + auxiliary verb + main verb have has been base + ing Here are some examples of the present ...
Click here for more about the present perfect simple tense. Click here for more about the present perfect continuous tense. Download this explanation in PDF. Present perfect or present perfect continuous exercise 1 Present perfect or present perfect continuous exercise 2 ...
Present perfect vs. present perfect continuous Both the present perfect and the present perfect continuous can be used to refer to the present consequences of a past action or situation (e.g., “I have lived here for two years” and “I have been living here for two years”). However, ...
57阅读文档大小:548.0K7页mengmanqu1994上传于2017-03-23格式:PDF 英语教师用英语讲语法之3:The Present Perfect tense and Present Perfect Continuous Tenses 热度: MCGraw-Hill Osborne Perfect Phrases for the Perfect Interview 热度: Perfect Murder, Perfect Town - Lawrence Schiller ...
Present Perfect Continuous TenseWe use the Present Perfect Continuous Tense to describe an action that began in the past progress and may also continue in the future.Time expressions: sincelatelyup to nowforfor ages so farhow long?for a long timerecentlyall day, all week.....
Present Perfect vs Perfect Progressive 2 Present Perfect / Perfect Progressive 3 Present Perfect vs Perfect Progressive Fill In Present Perfect vs Past Perfect Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Progressive Present Perfect vs Past Perfect Tenses Future Perfect vs Perfect Continuous PDF Exercises: Exercise...
Grammar Grammar Learning goals: To learn the form, meaning and function of Present Perfect Continuous To use t 3、hem in different situations Ex. 4 Read the dialogues aloud Match the dialogues with the pictures. AB C D 1. A: Youre all wet! Have you been cycling in the rain? B: No,...