而present perfect continuous则更侧重于强调动作正在进行或持续中。如果用此时态表达,你会说"I have been reading the book you lent me",这意味着阅读行为还在继续,没有结束。区分两者,记住核心在于时态指向的动作是否完成。完成的动作使用present perfect,而持续进行中的动作则使用present perfect con...
【题目】GrammarPRESENT PERFECT AND PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS⑤Complete the table with the correct form of the followingverbs:build, design, write, take part.Now match some of the sentences from the table with the fourpictures.⑥ Which of the two tenses talks abouta)activities that are still ...
IV.必备语法Present perfect and present perfect continuous 现在完成时和现在完成进行时1.People(worry) about pollution caused byfuels.2.You(design) solar racing cars for a longtime.3.I(be)interestedincarssincekindergarten.4.I(design) five or six different cars so far.5.I(take) part in races ...
Grammarandusage PresentperfecttenseVSpresentperfectcontinuoustense 一、现在完成时(Presentcontinuoustense)【构成】主动:have/has+过去分词;被动:have/has+been+过去分词。1.表过去发生的动作,对现在造成的影响和结果。Hehaspaidhisincometax.Whohastakenmypen?2.表过去发生的动作,持续到现在也许还将延续.常与for...
英语语法:关于present perfect和present continuous (Source: Zhihu)(answered by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam) 1. Jess doesn’t like spending time alone.这句话语法为什么没毛病Comments:Grammatically there is nothing wrong with this sentence.The phrase “spending time alone” is a Gerund Noun Phras...
past continuous:i was reading newspaper at 7o'clock yesterday. present continuous:i am reading newspaper now. present perfect continuous:i have been learning english for 2 years. present simple:i like cats. past simple:i went to school yesterday. present perfect:i have finished my homework.反馈...
Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect and present continuous passive. 1 Someone is following us. We by someone. 2 An earthquake has hit Japan. Japan by an earthquake. 3 They aren't choosing students for the play. Students for the play. ...
The present perfect and present perfect continuous tenses have differences in meaning and rules. Let’s discuss them one by one. Short-Term or Long-Term Action In most cases, we can choose either of the tenses withsinceandforas time references to show the time frame of the action. ...