Learn about the present progressive tense in Spanish. Discover how to use the verb "estar" in tandem with gerunds to form common phrases in the...
As a beginning Spanish student, the way you are most likely to use the present participle is with the verbestar(to be) to form what is known as the present progressive tense. Here are some examples of that usage:Estoyestudiando.(I amstudying.)Estálavandola ropa.(He iswashingthe clothing....
Here's the formula:estar+ present participle (-ando/-iendo) First, we conjugateestarto agree with the subject (Yo estoy, tú estás, ella está, etc.). Then, we add the present participle of our main verb, which is the meat of what we want to say. The present participle of regular...
To form the Spanish present progressive tense, we need to use the form of the verb “estar” that belongs to the person we refer to. Do you know how to conjugate this verb in the simple present tense? Simple Present ofEstar To use the Spanish present progressive tense correctly, you need...
of praesēns), present participle of praeesse to preside, be in charge, be present = prae- pre- + esse to be] pres′ent•ness, n. pre•sent2 (v. prɪˈzɛnt; n. ˈprɛz ənt) v.t. 1. to furnish or endow with a gift or the like, esp. by formal ...
before haber cannot separate haber from past participle when past participle is used as an adjective... it must agree in number and gender with the noun that it modifies. Often uses as adj with estar or other verbs to describe physical or emotional states abrir abierto cubrir cubierto decir ...
As in English, the present participle can be used in a variety of Spanish sentences. Yo estoy hablando con mamá. I am talking to mom. Ella estaba caminando bajo la lluvia. She was walking in the rain. Al parecer, Bryan Danielson estaría volviendo pronto a WWE. Apparently, Bryan Daniel...
• In Spanish the present progressive tense is used to express an action that is happening at the moment of speaking. It is formed by the verb estar + present participle. • Los gemelos están jugando ahora. • The twins are playing now. ...
To form the present progressive in Spanish, combine a form of "estar" with the present participle. Estoy hablando. I am speaking. Juan está comiendo. John is eating. María está escribiendo una carta. Mary is writing a letter.
Estar is used to signify the location of an object: El perro está al lado del gato. The dog is next to the cat. La escuela está al lado del correo. The school is next to the post office. Estar + past participle is used to indicate a resultant condition: Estoy cansado. I am tire...