"We started from scratch like many other small Chinese companies, but after reaching a certain size, we had to undergo a major transformation to extend the growth momentum," said You Hongtao, chairman of Chongqing Pharscin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Today the company is listed on the A-share a...
Finance, UK • Date of first appointment as a director: 1 December 2008 • Date of last re-election as a director: 28 April 2011 • Length of service as a director: 4 years 3 months Board committee(s) served on: Board Risk Management Committee (Chairman) Compensation and Management ...
Despite President San Yu's reelection in 1985 to a four-year term and his appointment as vice-chairman of the BSPP, Ne Win continued to dominate the political scene and to make all major and many minor government policy decisions. One such decision, to withdraw large currency notes from circ...
Musin, who was working on the definition of property rights, the head of the Union of Cooperatives, Academician Vladimir Tikhonov, the head of the Tallinn (Estonia) School of Management, the Chairman of the Board of the Energomash Bank, the President of the Light Industry Commercial Bank, ...
The CBS “investigative” program,60 Minutes,gave Wall Street a pass againlast night. This time around60 Minutes’ host Scott Pelley interviewed Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. The Fed, and by extension, Powell, are in...
Fleischman, chairman and chief executive officer of Kennedy Galleries in Manhattan, an authority on American art from the 18th through 20th centuries and a major collector of antiquities, died on Friday at his home in London. He was 71 and also lived in Manhattan." Le Freeport - "A high-...
a present— 赍 present(sth.)动— 提出...动 · 出席动 · 介绍...动 · 呈现...动 · 当前动 · 提示动 · 致以动 · 呈送动 · 呈递动 · 赠送...动 · 敬奉动 present形— 目前形 · 今形 · 当今形 · 现时形 figures复—
Acting Finance Director Mike Ma- son said the increase is needed to cover the cost of operations.While a hearing is not required, supervisors voted 5-4 to hold one. Supervisors Wanda Thornton, Jack Gray, Donald Hart, Laura Belle Gordy and Chairman Ron Wolff wanted to hold a hearing. ...
Mandatory spending is projected to continue rising over the next decades. Over the next decade, mandatory spending is projected to reach 15% of GDP in FY2026, while discretionary spending is projected to fall to 5% of GDP, its lowest level ever. Much of the projected increase in mandatory sp...
Mr WONG Ting-kwong, Chairman of the Bills Committee, reported that the objectives of the Bill were to introduce a single definition of "Offices set up by the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" in section 3 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordin...