present at the press conference were director and general manager1.谓语是在主语前,我理解2.课件上讲 系动词放在句首,我理解3.我的问题是,为什么at the press c要紧跟在present后?是沪江提供的学习资料,沪江是专业的互联网学习平台,致力于提供便捷
a2000 – Present: Director of planning (general plan, landscaping, transportation, water, sewage and finance) for a new tourist project in southern Tiberias. 2000年-礼物: 计划(一般计划,环境美化,运输、水、污水和财务的)主任为一个新的旅游项目在南Tiberias。 [translate] ...
The present director of the company is a woman. Who is the present team captain? When present is used after be, it has a different meaning. If someone is present at an event, they are there. Several reporters were present at the event. He was not present at the birth of his child....
In accordance with this resolution the Director-General, in letter DG/18/2003/004 dated 25 March 2003, invited the States Parties to appoint their representatives for this meeting, which will be held on 7 and 8 October 2003 at UNESCO Headquarters, and to communicate to the Office of Internati...
The Director-General shall be responsible for all other preparations for meetings governed by the provisions of the present section. 其他准备工作 总干事应负责本节条款适用 之会议之其他一切准备工作。 At present, section 46(1) provides that any person perfor...
and as such proxy to attend and vote at general meetings of the Company, but if more than one of such joint holdersbepresentatany meeting personally or by proxy that onesopresentwhose name stands first in the register in respect of such shares shall alone be entitled to vote in respect the...
aRussian Federation, represented by General Director Mr. Alex Shel acting under the charter, hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, concluded the present contract on the following: 俄联盟,代表由先生主任。 亚历克斯作为根据宪章的Shel,以后提到“买家”,结束当前合同在以下: [translate] ...
At the closing ceremony, in thefarewellspeech, Mr. Wang Wei, Deputy Director-General of China Legal Exchange Center hoped all African friendspresentcould be a supporter, initiator and contributor of China-African long-established friendship and share their vivid impression towards China with friends ...
The joint performance under the auspices of the Chinese Consulate General in New York marked an in-depth exchange between young Chinese and U.S. musicians, who joined others in World Orchestra Week (WOW!) organized by Carnegie Hall. As many as 700 young musicians from five continents presented...
(c) The Director-General shallpresenttotheprize-winner(s) a cheque or cheques of a total value of US $150,000 or of [...] (c) 总干事颁给获奖者总额为150,000 美元的支 票或金额相等的另外一种货币的支票。