We form Wh-questions in the present continuous tense like this:What are you doing now?Why is he sleeping here?Work out the rule We form the present continuous tense with the verb to be +(the base form/the -ing form) of the main verb.We form the -ing form of the main verb like ...
We form Wh-questions in the present continuous tense like this:What are you doing now?Why is he sleeping here?Work out the rule We form the present continuous tense with the verb to be+(the base form/the ing form) of the main verb.We form the -ing form of the main verb like this...
Practise making 'wh' and 'yes / no' questions (exercise 2) Mixed Exercise 1 (includes positive, negative, and questions) Mixed Exercise 2 Mixed Exercise 3 Click here if you'd like to learn how to USE the Present ContinuousDO YOU WANT TO MASTER ENGLISH GRAMMAR? Your logical way to teac...
Part 3 - Present continuous questions To make questions we put the verb "be"beforethe subject. For example: AmIhavinga shower at the moment? Ishe / she / itworkingin the city? Areyou we theyseeingthe doctor on Monday? Short answers ...
Tenses_Present_Simple,Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple SightWords Sightwordsarewordsthatareusedmostofteninreadingandwriting.Theyarecalled“sightwords”becauseit’spurposeistoberecognizedinstantlyatfirst sight.Noun Nounisanameofaperson,placeorthing.Examples:Sara,Liza,Shenzhen,China,park,mountain,flower,...
We form Wh-questions in the present continuous tense like this: What are you doing now? Why is he sleeping here? Work out the rule We form the present continuous tense with the verb to be+(the base form/the -ing form)of the main verb. We form the -ing form of the main verb like...
We form the present continuous tense like this:我们像这样构成现在进行时:Subject Verb to be Main verb主 语be动词主要动词I am(not)我正在(不在)你(们)/我们/You/We/They are(not)dreaming.正在(不在)做梦。他/她/它们He/She/It is(not)他/她/它正在(不在)We form Yes/No questions and short...
Examples: Present continuous questionsAre you helping with the renovations? Is Barry meeting us at the gallery? Other kinds of questions are formed using wh-words (interrogative pronouns such as “who” and interrogative adverbs such as “why”). Follow the same word order as above, but with ...
A lesson plan about the present continuous tense for actions taking place at the time of speaking. Use in your ESL kids lessons!
3. Introduce the first usage of present continuous tense. 4. Show the pictures of Peppa’s family and ask Ss to describe them with present continuous tense. 5. Summarize different time markers and the structure of Wh-questions. 6. Lead Ss to ask questions about the underlined parts of the...