Examples: Present continuous questions with wh-wordsWhat are we doing tomorrow? Why am I worrying about things I can’t control? When is he planning to arrive? How to form the passive voice The passive voice creates a sentence in which the subject is not the person or thing carrying out ...
Some more examples: Catherine wants to work inItaly, so she is learning Italian.(butperhaps she isn’t learning Italian exactly at the time of speaking.) Some friends of mine are building their own house. They hope it will be finished before next summer. We use the present tense continuou...
Look at the sentence in the present perfect continuous tense. Find moreexamples from the previous text and discuss the function of the tense.看看这个用现在完成进行时的句子。从前面的课文中找到更多的例子,讨论该时态的作用。EXAMPLE This is the adventure that I have been dreaming of.例子这就是我...
Take a look at the simplest sentence that still perplexes many:It is Ivs.It’s me. Which one is correct? The four types of present tense verbs In English, we use four different types of present tenses. Here we provide names and examples of each of the types of present tense. Simple p...
Here is a detailed explanation of the�Present Continuous Tense�for beginners and advanced learners.Related Posts: Activate to Passive Sentence/Voice Converter Online Free Random Phrase Generator [English] 20 Sentences in Present Continuous Tense What is Pronoun - Definition, Examples and Types Pres...
•Presentcontinuoustensecanalsobeusedtoshowthatsomethingwillorwillnothappeninthenearfuture.Examplesofthisuseinclude:-Sheisnotgoingtothegametonight.-Heismeetinghisfriendsafterschool.Whentousethepresentcontinuoustense •Presentcontinuoustensecanbeusedforactionsthatarestillhappeningatthetimeofspeaking.Examplesofthis...
Theyarecalled“sightwords”becauseit’spurposeistoberecognizedinstantlyatfirst sight.Noun Nounisanameofaperson,placeorthing.Examples:Sara,Liza,Shenzhen,China,park,mountain,flower,table,pencil Verb Verbisanactionwordorreferstotheaction.Examples:dance,sing,walk,talk,write,eat Englishsentencestructure Subj...
Moreover, because these adverbs relate to time, they’re often used with the present perfect tense. The adverb yet, used often with a negative or in questions, almost always comes at the end of a sentence or clause. Sadly, he hasn’t finished the race yet. Have you finished your ...
Present Continuous (I am doing) Formed by using is/am/are + V(ing) Example: I am running. I am reading a book. She is learning a new language. We are going home. We use this tense to speak about something that is happening now and continues to happen; the action is not done yet...
What is the present perfect continuous tense? The present perfect continuous verb tense is used to describe actions that started in the past and are continuing into the present. It emphasizes the continuity of the action. I have been reading “War and Peace” for a month. In this sentence,...