Grammar语法:Present Continuous Tense现在进行时用法:表示现在/现阶段正在进行或发生的动作。√构成:be(w//公Y二)+现在分词(V-ing)√.标志词:now,look,listen等1)Look,I(clean).2)Mom(cook)now.3)Listen,they.(sing).on the playground.在打篮球)。4)Heon the playground.否定句:Heon the playground?一般...
The present continuous tense is a verb tense that expresses an action that is happening in the present and may continue into the future: I am listening to music. The present continuous is often used in conversation and informal writing to talk about plans and intentions for the future: We ar...
Present Continuous Tense ExercisePresent Continuous (progressive) Tense mixed exercises with answers to learn and practice one of the most basic verb tenses of English language. Subject Explanations: Present Continuous Tense Simple Present Rules Simple Present vs Continuous Simple Past Tense Past ...
presentcontinuous现在进行时英文版讲解.pdf,P r e s e n t C o n t i n u o u s / P r o r e s s i v e T e n s e 1. We use the present continuous tense to talk about things that are happenin now. 2. Structure: (also sometimes called the present continuous)
-Theyareeatinglunchrightnow.•Presentcontinuoustensecanbeusedinquestionsaswell.Herearesomemoreexamplesofthisuse:-Isshelaughing?-Aretheylisteningtotheteacher?Moreusesofpresentcontinuoustense •Thepresentcontinuoustensecanbeusedtodescribeactionsthatarebeingrepeated.Wordslikealways,constantlyandforeverareusedalongwith...
英语语法课件-初级-现在进行时--04presentcontinuous全英版全英版.ppt,CONTENTS4-1 Be + -ing: the present progressive tense4-2 Spelling of -ing4-3 The present progressive: negatives4-4 The present progressive: questions4-5 The simple present vs. the present p
1、Present Continuous/Progressive Tense1. We use the present continuous tense to talk about things thatare happening now.2. Structure: l The present progressive tense (also sometimes called the "present continuous") is formed with the present tense of the verb to be + a main verb + -ing ...
现在进行时 The Present Continuous Tense What are you doing? I am running. Lead-in What is he doing? He is playing basketball. What is she doing? She is singing. What are they doing? They are watching TV. 结构:be + v-ing (am, is , are + 动词现在分词) The Present Continuous Tense...
英语题目 exercise for the present continuous tense(rewrite the sentences using "now") 1.l watch tv every day. 2.he doesn"t put a picture on the wall. 3.they don"t swim in the river. 4.did he write a letter just now? 5.they didn"t have supper at school. fill in the blanks wi...
PresentContinuous/ProgressiveTense 2.Structure: die—dying,tie—tying. 3.TemporalAdverbials:phraseslike"rightnow"or"atthemoment"___oftenindicatethatan actioniscurrentlyinprogress. 4.BasicSentencePatterns: Positivesentence:Tomiseatinganapple. Negativesentence:Tomisnoteatinganapple. Weusethepresentprogressive...