They are sleeping. The present continuous is used to show actions that are happening right now. When you listen to the Lemon Tree, the present continuous sentences the singer is using mean “right now”. Here is the song with the listening exercise below. Fill in the blanks with the correc...
Present Continuous Tense ExercisePresent Continuous (progressive) Tense mixed exercises with answers to learn and practice one of the most basic verb tenses of English language. Subject Explanations: Present Continuous Tense Simple Present Rules Simple Present vs Continuous Simple Past Tense Past ...
Part 1 - Present continuous positive We make the present continuous with the present form of the verb "be" ("am", "is", "are") + the "ing" form of the main verb (present participle). For example: I'm / amhavinga shower at the moment. ...
PresentContinuousTense牛津译林版 Unit8Grammar PresentContinuousTense(现在进行时) Youarelistening.are Wearehavingaclass.+doing Heissinging.Heisplayingbasketball.Sheisridingabike.Itisflying.Theyaredoingmorningexercises.Theyaredancing.Ihe/she/itwe/you/they amdoing isdoingaredoing...
Unit 1 Present continuous (I am doing) A) Am/is/are + -ingis thePresent continuous. B) I am doingsomething = I'm in the middle of doing it; I've started doing it and I haven't finished. C)You can use the present continuous withtoday / this week / this yearetc.(preiod around...
Examples: Present continuous passive constructionsWe are being followed by the police! My house is being renovated next week. All the proposals are being carefully considered. Exercises: Present simple vs. present continuous Test your understanding of the difference between the present simple and the ...
题目要求填写We often do some ___ exercises... 空格处的词语。 2. ...exercises such as the exercises of the present continuous tense (现在进行时) 该句意思是___练习,例如现在进行时的练习。 3. 由此可知,空格处应填入与语法相关的词语。 **问题5分析** 1. 题目要求填写...memorizing sentence _...
This English language course covers the present continuous tense and explains how to talk about an action or event that is currently happening. We draw on examples, exercises and audio clips that feature native English speakers to help you work on your accent, listening skills and pronunciation. ...
Free online English activities to learn verbs vocabulary and grammar exercises to practice using the present continuous tense. 10+ games to also learn spelling, English conversation and more.
We use the present continuous when we talk about changes happening around now: The population of the world is rising very fast.(not rises) Is your English getting better?(not does your English get better) Exercises Complete the sentences with one of the folowing verbs in the correct form: ...