Simple Present vs Continuous Simple Past Tense Past Continuous Tense Subject Exercises: Present Progressive Video Quiz 1 - Present Continuous Exercises 1 - Present Continuous Exercises 2 Present Continuous Positive Form Exercise Simple Present / Past / Past Continuous Past Continuous: Past Continuous ...
over the past 3 years since the 1900s in my life(current) ever since I met you in these times(current) CONTINUOUS / REPEATEDRECENT IN SPEAKER'S MIND always recently usually lately often just frequently occasionally never EXPERIENCEEARLIER OR LATER THAN EXPECTED ...
5. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 pt The present perfect continuous isn't often used with just for "It's the first time..." since 6. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 pt The present perfect continuous often emphasises the time spent on the action the result the action A and C 使用免费帐户...
present perfect past perfect 3. Multiple Choice 10 sec 1 pt I did not have a car two years ago. past simple present simple future simple present perfect 4. Multiple Choice 10 sec 1 pt I was living in London at this time last month. present continuous past continuous present perfec...
Present Perfect Continuous Use Go To Quizzes >>>Present Perfect Continuous We use the present perfect continuous to talk about an action that started in the past and is either still continuing or recently finshed. I have been reading that new book of mine all morning. ...
You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you learned on the Present Perfect Continuous page.1. It has ___ snowing a lot this week. be been being 2. ___ your brother and sister been getting along? Have Has Are 3. Rick ___ been studying hard...
Simple Present vs Continuous Simple Past Tense Past Continuous Tense Subject Exercises: Present Progressive Video Quiz 1 - Present Continuous Exercises 1 - Present Continuous Exercises 2 Present Continuous Positive Form Exercise Simple Present / Past / Past Continuous Past Continuous: Past Continuous ...
Home English Grammar Present Verb Tense Present Perfect Continuous Verb TenseBasic GrammarThe Verb "To Be" - Positive Sentences The Verb "To Be" Quiz - Positive Sentences The Verb "To Be" - Negative Sentences The Verb "To Be" Quiz - Negative Sentences...
You can print this worksheet and cut into pieces and use for a revision of Present Simple/ Present Continuous/ Past Simple
This lesson will teach you everything you ever wanted to know about the present perfect – try the four quizzes with grammar exercises in each section!I / you / we / they have written he / she / it has writtenNote: In spoken English, it's common to use the contraction: I've ...