“progressive present”:这是将“进行时”和“现在”两个词调换顺序的说法,意思不变,但在实际使用中较为少见。 综上所述,“present progressive”即“现在进行时”,是英语中用于描述当前正在进行的动作或状态的重要时态。它在日常对话、故事叙述和教学解释等场合中发挥着重要作用,并有...
simple present and present progressive simplepresenttenseandpresentprogressive一般现在时与现在进行时 1.Who___(sing)overthere?2.Who___(sing)bestinourclass?学习目标(learningobjective):I.掌握动词时态中一般现在时态的用法。II.掌握动词时态中现在进行时态的用法.III.掌握二者的区别运用.(重难点)I.一般现在...
present continuous是现在进行式。 present progressive是现在进行时。 一个是式子,一 present continuous与present progressive有何不同 present progressive 现在进行时网络释义专业释义英英释义 现在进行时现在进行时 ( Present Progressive ): be + v-ing eg: We ’ re trying to save the manatees... present con...
Learn about the Spanish verb andar, meaning "to walk," and its conjugation. Examine andar in the present and present progressive tenses with examples.
网络一般现在时与现在进行时 网络释义 1. 一般现在时与现在进行时 ...现在时 (Simple Present) 4 8.一般现在时与现在进行时(Simple Present and Present Progressive) 5 9.一般现在时 (Simple … wenku.baidu.com|基于23个网页
When to use simple present and present progressive Signal words: simple present vs. present progressive Conjugation Exercises – Simple Present – Present Progressive 1.0× The Smiths are going on holiday. They usually go on holiday by train. They take a taxi to the station, check the timetabl...
andpresentprogressive 一般现在时与现在进行时 学习目标(learningobjective): I.掌握动词时态中一般现在时态的用法。 II.掌握动词时态中现在进行时态的用法. III.掌握二者的区别运用.(重难点) 1.Who___(sing)overthere? 2.Who___(sing)bestinourclass? I.一般现在时(simple...
See also explanations onSimple PresentandPresent Progressive Use In general or right now? Do you want to express that something happens in general or that something is happening right now? Simple PresentPresent Progressive in general (regularly, often, never) ...