Excited-exciting, suprised-surprising, amazed-amazing, and more. Flash cards and worksheets to teach the use and difference between past participles and present participles as adjectives.
英语 时态present-and-past-participlesADJECTIVES EXPRESSING FEELINGS ~ing (present participle) vs ~ed (past participle) Exercise A Underline the participles in the following sentences. Write if they Present or Past. 1. Singing birds are shown in the Annual Bird Show in our town. ___ 2. The ...
been = past participle of be; training = present participle of train As you can see from the examples above, despite what their names may suggest, the present and past participles are not just restricted to the present and past tenses! 2. Adjectives The second use for the participles is as...
Passive Subject + be (conjugated) + past participle Present passive: Tom wastaughtby Frankie. Past passive: My car wasmadein Germany. Participles Used as Adjectives Participles can also be used as adjectives to describe nouns. The difference between the present participle and the past participle c...
Live Worksheets Worksheets that listen. Worksheets that speak. Worksheets that motivate students. Worksheets that save paper, ink and time. Advertise here present and past participle adjectives -ing and -ed adjectives Level:intermediate Age:13-17 ...
For verbs whose last syllable is written [consonant-vowel-consonant] and is stressed, double the final consonant and add "ing": run > running forget > forgetting See Also...What are adjectives?What are past participles?What are participle phrases?What are adjective phrases?What are verbs?What...
Participles can also be used as adjectives to describe nouns. The difference between the present participle and the past participle can make quite a difference in meaning: Theboredman went to sleep during the discussion. Theboringman put other people to sleep during the discussion. ...
We're on page 36 in the workbook. Tonight we're studying participles as adjectives. Studentsare always confused when they learn about the present and past participles so we will practice this a lot. Tonight we're just going to practice the present participle. ...
We’re on page 36 in the workbook. Tonight we’re studying participles as adjectives. Students are always confused when they learn about the present and past participles, so we will practice this a lot. Tonight, we’re just going to practice the present participle. ...
For verbs whose last syllable is written [consonant-vowel-consonant] and is stressed, double the final consonant and add "ing": run > running forget > forgetting See Also... What are adjectives? What are past participles? What are participle phrases? What are adjective phrases? What are ...