You have helped me labor to enter into the rest of the Lord, and as I enter into the fulfillment of promise, I’ll be acknowledging your good ground through financial seed. May our King continue to bless you!” Gary G. Hungry man of God “Wow, Jamie! This word is so direct to me...
The LORD will watch over my coming and going both today and forevermore! Father, may any distresses I experience today send me ascending into Your presence. Whether I know what the threats are or not, I know that You are watching over me and will answer me whenever I call to You. I ...
To recognize the whispers of your Father in Heaven calling you closer. How to fully yield yourself to the Lord. Steps to breaking free from toxic emotions that war against closeness with God. The importance of forgiving from the secret place. How to stay in peace, regardless of your circumst...
To recognize the whispers of your Father in Heaven calling you closer. How to fully yield yourself to the Lord. Steps to breaking free from toxic emotions that war against closeness with God. The importance of forgiving from the secret place. How to stay in peace, regardless of your circumst...
In essence, I had lost my first love with Christ and thought that I was in full control of my destiny as a youth pastor and able to just cruise through life because I was a good person and doing the work of the Lord. I believe that God had to interrupt my life so that I could ...
FacebookYouTubeFlickr The dwelling place of the presence of God Our vision is to Exalt Christ’s Lordship, Reach out to others to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior and Build one another to maturity in Christ. You’re in the right place ...
But Jesus said, “do not be afraid, from now on you will be a catcher of men.” My recent “Calling of Peter and Andrew” Icon Saint Peter was recognized as the leader of the 12 disciples, and the Roman Catholic Church regards Peter as the first of its unbroken succession of Popes....
Yes, blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled.” (Gospel of Luke: 1:39-45) This moment in Mary’s story is so familiar that we may miss its deeper meaning. As a child, I was taught that it was about Mary being so unselfish that her ...
Raids of local drug lords and gangs controlling favelas have been followed by a heavysocialpolicepresencetodiscourage new drug lord leaders from emerging. 里約也忙著改善治安疑慮,在貧民窟等違章建築內掃蕩毒梟及幫派份子,再增派警察與巡守隊,力圖阻止新毒梟集 結。
NATURE’S VOICE M – RX : God didn’t create anything Only implanted viruses … Insect Overlords : War of the Worlds – The Great Martian War … WAR IN HEAVEN : Enki’s Prison Planet . . BIO MACHINES Definition of bionic Having normal biological capability or performance enhanced by or ...