Bold in the presence of God.Discusses the book of Hebrews, focusing on the reconciliation of God and man through the death of Jesus Christ. Perception that Hebrews is a sermon; Interpretation of Hebrews.LongThomasG.Interpretation: A Journal of Bible & Theology...
The Felt Presence of God 扬声器 Dr. Sacha Walicord 已录入 类别 播客 圣经文本 讲道ID 播放计数 2024年7月10日 祷告会 United Prayer Meditations 大五得詩 139:7-9 71024163221615 3.4k 下载 分享 最新讲道 Carrying out the Call Stephen Kidd 2024年10月28日 使徒保羅與可林多輩書 1:1-3 播客: Un...
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis relates Christian ethics to the presence of the kingdom of God in Jesus' sayings and to its real meaning and application by reconsidering the religious language of the kingdom of God from the perspective of the Speech Act Theory (SAT). In SAT, the Christian eth...
PRAYING FOR GOD'S PRESENCE IN SOUL WINNING (Traditional Chinese) 海羅伯博士(Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.)著 主日,二○一二年十月二十一日晚 於洛杉磯浸信會幕所宣之道 A sermon preached at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles Lord's Day Evening, October 21, 2012 "願你裂天而降;願山在你面前震...
社区s帮助Godand 系统标签: godpresencedeeringpromisemoseschurch 1God’sPromiseandPresenceSermonfor10-16-11Scripture:Exodus33:12-23;Matthew22:1-14NineyearoldJoeywasaskedbyhismotherwhathehadlearnedinSundayschool."Well,Mom,ourteachertoldushowGodsentMosesbehindenemylinesonarescuemissiontoleadtheIsraelitesoutofEg...
scholarship in the presence of God I Moved My Blog to Squarespace Posted onJuly 22, 2017 1 I have updated my blog and updated my domain name. You will notice a few changes from an archaic Latin blog title (Doctrinae Coram Deo) to my full name (Shawn J. Wilhite), and a move from ...
Loving with God’s help Ask More of God, Less of Our Spouse Seeing God More Clearly It was such a small point — almost a throwaway line, but it hit with such force in the middle of my sermon that a woman in the church made plaques using it, and those plaques now grace many homes...
Sermon ID 12122040463064 Duration 32:09 Date Nov 30, 2022 Category Midweek Service Bible Text 所羅們之俗語 2:1-5; 所羅們之詩歌 3:1 #Jesus #Gospel #Christ #God #Faith #Salvation #Love #Bride #Beloved #Groom #Husband #Wife #Seek #Look #Find #Hold #Heart #Year...
3. God spoke fire – Moses, Aaron, & Elijah fire from Heaven GOD SPOKE IN A “LOW WHISPER” & covered face like Seraphim (Isaiah 6) a voice, a soft whisper (CSB) a still & soft voice (GNV) quiet, whispering voice (GW) the soft whisper of a voice (GNT) a quiet, gentle voice...
A Withdrawl of God's Presence 扬声器 Pooyan Mehrshahi 已录入 类别 播客 圣经文本 讲道ID 播放计数 2024年6月13日 祷告会 United Prayer Meditations 出以至百多書 33:1-11 61324161275190 79 下载 分享 最新讲道 Follow on to Know the Lord Steven Lee 2024年8月24日 預知者賀西亞之書 6:1-3 播客...