In Abiding in the Secret Place, the Clarks offer practical “how-tos” that will transform you from the inside out. Including the full-length version of the Christian classic, The Practice of the Presence of God, the Clarks take it a step further, giving you practical strategies to experienc...
In Abiding in the Secret Place, the Clarks offer practical “how-tos” that will transform you from the inside out. Including the full-length version of the Christian classic, The Practice of the Presence of God, the Clarks take it a step further, giving you practical strategies to experienc...
Welcome to YP MinistriesYouth Presence Ministries is dedicated to helping congregations, dioceses and other groups create dynamic youth presence that changes the lives of the young people and transforms the congregations. This is done by discovering where God is leading, lifting up and training ...
We want to help you find a place of belonging and see you flourish in our community. From small groups to local outreaches, we offer multiple opportunities to connect with others. How to Get Connected Our Ministries We’re home to many ministries working together to bring wholeness, healing,... honor someone or something with one's presence."How nice of you to grace us with your presence," Mr. Wilson told Mary sarcastically as she entered the classroom late.The banquet was graced with the presence of the governor.
IHP Video Productions is a branch of IHP Ministries. It’s purpose is to present the radical essence of the Christian faith using video format. Sermons Are you tired of cold, insipid sermons that freeze the soul and rot the mind? Have you been looking for anointed preaching that can stir ...
presence接触部energizedministriestouchgod SUMMARY: WhenwasthelasttimeyoufeltGod’s presenceinaspecialway? Youmayhaveexperienceditatchurch,while witnessingtoafriend,orduringatimeof intercedingforalovedone.Orperhapsyou weregoingthroughadifficultsituationand hadtorelytotallyonHisstrength.Inmoments likethese,theLord...
In Pursuit of His Presence Worship Arts Ministries is a ministry of The Gateway to Wholeness Church Ministries. The Ministry is Spirit-led and provides biblically-based education and mentorship to a generation of individuals who desire to consistently pursue the presence of God through the arts. At...
s上帝存在God上帝的god 系统标签: godpresencetransformation上帝produces变换 GOD’SPRESENCE PRODUCES TRANSFORMATION HisSanctuaryMinistries M.N.Ngcobo 22March2009 InHispresence Acts10:9-21–Peterwenttoprayupontheroofandhereceived avision Heisaskedtodowhathehasneverdonebefore–something hadtobedone Hesuffered“ro...
A career missionary, fulltime sailboat dweller, and grandma to fourteen precious littles, Grace Fox inspires hope, courage, and transformation through God’s Word in audiences around the globe. Her latest book, Names of God: Living Unafraid, invites read