Pakistan.The bilirubin is metabolized in the gut which produced a colorless pigment known as urobilinogen.It is by-product of bilirubin which is used to break down the red blood cells in hemolysis.Salty food contains usually more minerals and vitamins while sweet food is enriched with ...
Which of the following is true about blood? A. It contains more cells than plasma. B. It contains more plasma than cells. C. It contains an equal volume of cells and plasma. What is the most abundant protein in plasma? a. Creatine b. Insulin c. Albumin d. Creatinine e. Bilirubin Pl...
In the detection of the presence of a biomarker or the like in a sample of a flowable substance, e.g. a powder or a liquid, usually a body fluid, such as blood, urine, or saliva, for example, a disposable sample receiver (3) is used, which has a receiving chamber (301) that is...
Abnormalities in urine organic acids are typically observed during the initial diagnosis of all patients. Blood acylcarnitine analysis, whether the patient is stable or acutely deteriorating, consistently reveals elevated concentrations of acylcarnitines of all chain lengths and decreased plasma levels of ...
(FiO_2\); partial pressure of \(CO_2\); blood lactate measurements; bilirubin; creatinine; potassium and sodium levels; platelet count; hemoglobin; total urine output over the past 2 h per kg of weight; partial thromboplastin time; arterial \(CO_2\) levels; levels of aspartate ...
Green colour of bile is due ABiliverdin BBilirubin CSodium taurocholate DSodium glycocholateSubmit Red algae is red due to the presence of :- AR-Phycocyanin BR-Phycoerythrin CC-Phycocyanin DC-PhycoerythrinSubmit Red colour of red sea is due to AMoss BAlgae CFungi DBacteriaSubmit ...
Concentration of carbonic acid does not increase in blood due to the presence of View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CB...
Additionally, the reduced-DON concentrations in plasma were paralleled by lower DON levels in various specimens (urine, bile and liquor) supporting an efficient detoxification with SoS [9]. However, the health-related parameters did not consistently reflect the positive effects of SoS treatment [9]...
Bright colour of petals is due to the presence of Achloroplast Banothocyanin Celaioplast Damyloplast.Submit The yellow colour of urine is due to the presence of Aurea Buric acid Curochrome DbilirubinSubmit The yellow colour of urine is due to the presence of View Solution The colour of...