Acyclovir cream and ointment are for use only on the skin. Do not let acyclovir cream or ointment get into your eyes, or inside your mouth or nose, and do not swallow the medication. Acyclovir cream should only be applied to skin where a cold sore has formed or seems likely to form. ...
Ocular lubricants (artificial tears) are eye drops, gels, and ointments that flush allergens from the eyes and decrease the symptom of dry eyes. Preservative-free lubricants are recommended if an ocular lubricant is being used more than 4 times daily. Lubricant ointment provides longer symptom reli...
Private prescriptions LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor can provide prescription treatments and advice without a face-to-face appointment. It’s a safe, convenient, and discreet way to get prescription treatments forwomen's,men's,general,sexualandtravel health. Plus, you can choose to click & collect ...
These antibiotics are applied outside of your body. You can rub a cream or antibiotic ointment on the skin. To treat certain infections, antibiotic drops might be put into your ears or eyes. Injections and intravenous antibiotics A doctor can give you these medications through an injection into...