Although data on prescription drug use in sub-Saharan Africa remains scarce, emerging evidence highlights that prescription drug misuse (PDM) is a major concern. This chapter reviews the definitions of prescription drugs, PDM, and prescription drug disorders. In addition, the three most commonly ...
We saw that the [prescription drug misuse] problem is widespread—education is 1 portion of it, but there’s other things that we felt we could do as Cardinal. A few years ago, we ventured out into some other areas and we really focused on the Drug Takeback Day. We’ve partnered with...
This lesson looks at prescription drug abuse. After defining it, we'll talk about its prevalence, prevention, and treatment programs, including new efforts. How Prevalent is Prescription Drug Abuse? Marilyn Monroe, Heath Ledger, Judy Garland, Michael Jackson - these are just a few of the well...
Other drug treatments for opiate withdrawal include methadone and the blood pressure medicine clonidine.Naltrexoneblocks the effects of opiates and can prevent a relapse. It can be taken orally (Revia) or as a monthly injection (Vivitrol). Doctors recommend that people who misuse opioids keepnaloxone...
Prescription Drug Abuse Dangers Some people mistakenly believe abusing prescription drugs is safer than taking street drugs. That's not the case. Abuse or misuse of prescription medications can lead totolerance, which refers to the body's adaptation to the long-term use of a substance to the po...
Prescription Drug Abuse Dangers Some people mistakenly believe abusing prescription drugs is safer than taking street drugs. That's not the case. Abuse or misuse of prescription medications can lead totolerance, which refers to the body's adaptation to the long-term use of a substance to the po...
Kelly BC, Parsons JT. Prescription drug misuse among drug-using young adults. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 2007; 33 :875–884.Kelly B, Parsons J. Prescription drug misuse among club drug- using young adults. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 2007;33(6):875-84....
Research in this area still remains tentative, as the findings tend to be quite nuanced and difficult to draw conclusions from given the manner the studies define and operationalize drug misuse and the different samples they survey. Despite important limitations, this area of research still provides...
However, prescription drug diversion, misuse, and abuse might serve as one of the critical barriers for achieving optimal medication adherence among people living with HIV, thereby negatively impacting the HIV care mandate. The primary aim of this scoping review is to gather evidence on the ...
System seeks to improve monitoring of prescription drug misuse.The article focuses on Inflexxion Inc.'s design of the National Addictions Vigilance Intervention and Prevention Program (NAVIPPRO) in 2005. Inflexxion executives cited that NAVIPPRO system draws from a variety of data sources, ...