Prescription Drug Disposal among American Indian and Alaskan NativesBegay, CynthiaHealth Reform
Over the years, we have had physicianstell their patients to return theirunused drugs to them when they saidthat they were ineffective or causedsome side effect. Sometimes this wasdone because the physician suspectedthe patient of drug seeking and did notwant to give out another prescriptionunless...
Evaluating the effectiveness of disposal programs through a comparison with prescription drug monitoring program dataIntroduction: A permanent drug donation box ("drop-box") is one strategy implemented in communities across the United States to reduce the availability of excess controlled medications, ...
New Prescription Drug Disposal RulesKrisberg, Kim
Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force Says More Disposal Options, Arrest Reports for Doctors NeededAUGUSTA, Maine -- A state task force on Tuesday worked on thefinishing touches for an interim...Stone, Matthew
Supreme Court: Big Pharma Must Pay for Prescription Drug Disposal in Alameda CountyOakley, Doug
A PRESCRIPTION FOR SUCCESS ; All 55 Counties to Receive 1,000 Drug Disposal Kits in Move to Destroy OpioidsWINFIELD - Sheriff's departments across West Virginia will behanding out 55,000 drug disposal...Eyre, Eric
Bill Aims to Ease Safe Prescription Drug Disposal.The article announces that the U.S. House has passed a bill which promotes the safe disposal of unneeded and expired prescription drugs.EBSCO_bspCq Weekly
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authority to mandate a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) for safe disposal packaging or safe disposal solutions for opioid analgesic medications. FDA has been collaborating with stakeholders to determine whether a new REMS is needed. A new or revised ...
Egan KL, Gregory E, Sparks M, Wolfson M. From dispensed to disposed: evaluating the effectiveness of disposal programs through a comparison with prescription drug monitoring program data. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 2017;43(1):69-77. doi:10.1080/ 00952990.2016.1240801....