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We developed WDJ’s dog food selection criteria with the quality of ingredients as the most important factor. In prescription dog food, the factors that are responsible for the therapeutic action of the food are of the utmost importance; we can look the other way when we see powdered cellulose...
Pro Plan Vet Direct provides online shopping and free shipping while supporting your local vet. Get your prescription dog & cat food and vet recommended supplements here.
Browse Dog Food Browse Cat Food Supporting pets’ best lives Prescription Diet foods offer therapeutic nutrition for a range of health conditions. They’re clinically tested and developed by a team of PhD nutritionists and veterinarians, so you can rest assured your pet is receiving premium ...
Pro Plan Vet Direct provides online shopping and free shipping while supporting your local vet. Get your prescription dog & cat food and vet recommended supplements here.
Hill's Prescription Diet is one of the most popular prescription dog and cat food brands in the United States. The brand is owned by Hill's Pet Nutrition, which also owns the following brands: Hill's Science Diet, Hill's Ideal Balance, and Hill's Healthy Advantage. ...
reportedthat the animals fell ill or diedafter eating food made by Hill's Pet Nutrition. The company eventually recalled the product. That same year, the Food and Drug Administration posted recalls for dog food with elevated, or potentially elevated, levels of vitamin D from eight other brands...
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