A fluid ounce is a liquid measure equal to 29.57 mL (often rounded up to 30 mL). An ounce is also equal to 28.35 grams (often rounded to 30 grams) when measuring mass. A common prescription abbreviation used in dosing or quantities. Tbsp, T or tbs: Tablespoon. A tablespoon (or ...
“Abs” being an abbreviation of “abdominal partitions,” which people wish to have as many of as possible for some reason. I reckon you could get the same effect by tying strings tightly around yourself and not removing them for a year, sort of like when you wear the same sock for ...
posted by someone who only posts short excerpt clips of people transforming into animals, occasionally animals back into people, and tags them all TF because apparently this is popular enough viewing material that it needs a special abbreviation. So let me re-iterate: the only reason fat hobo...