Touch cytology and histological assessment obtained from the affected mucosa revealed acute neutrophilic gastritis and single longer and more coiled organisms than Helicobacter pylori , suggesting Helicobacter heilmannii . Electron micropragh confirmed the characteristic morphology. Despite a positive rapid ...
In 2004, spending for prescription medication was $188.5 billion, almost five times what was spent in 1990, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office. Are we getting sicker? Or is the pharmaceutical industry just getting really good at telling us that we are sick?" Alison ...
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–Vitamin C Supplements Reduce Blood Pressure Without Side Effects Associated With Medication –Low Potassium Linked To High Blood Pressure 4. SYNTHROID (levothyroxine sodium) Use:Hypothyroidism A synthetic form of the thyroid hormone thyroxine, generic Synthroid makes up more than 11% of the ...