Sorting and Graphing Math Activities: Measurement Math Activities: Addition & Subtraction Send me the printable! We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at anytime. More Color Activities for PreschoolSarah Punkoney, MAT I’m Sarah, an educator turned stay-at-home-mama of five! I’m the owner and...
Math is something that your preschoolers will use in their everyday life from now forward, so it’s always good to form a solid base knowledge of numbers, number bonds, and basic addition and subtraction. These math skills you’re teaching your preschoolers will take them further in life. I...
Addition- all of the numbers rolled “add” up to the total number (you can also use 2 dice and add the numbers together on each turn. Subtraction- start with the counting grid full of apples. With each roll “subtract” that number of apples from the grid. join the newsletter & Get...