well, you’d be great at that, but I don’t really know the path for that, right, like that wasn’t a common thing at the time, and so I love seeing the steps that
Children need quiet too. Your #1 teaching resource is the library. Take frequent trips to the library. At least once a month go and let your child pick whatever books he likes, and you pick some that you like. Let them explore the library, play with the toys there, and take them to ...
cut into tiny “beads” or bits. Not only are you keeping plastic out of landfills and the ocean, this rattle is very subtle and quiet, perfect for playing along with any of the Moana songs or your favorite soundtrack!
I think this is best towards the end of the music and movement time. I had everyone sit down to it, and you may need to plan to do it more than once! Open Shut Them byMusic With Nancy This song is the perfect song to transition children from moving to quiet and listening. It’s ...
QUIET TIME BOX:Apple Threading toy (linked to Amazon here).Add this to your “quiet time boxes”.See this post for details. SENSORY:Apple Play Dough For this, you can make apples with red play-doh you already have. Simply roll it into a ball and add a stick for the stem and some ...