(2012). Psychometric properties of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist in preschool children in Serbia. Medical Messenger, 9(2),356-362.Bala G, Golubovic S, Milutinovic D, Katic R. Psychometric properties of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist in preschool children in Serbia. Med Glas (Zenica). 2012;...
Recently, there has been a growing recognition that autistic traits exist along a continuum beyond diagnostic categories and that even subclinical symptoms may be associated with an increased risk for the psychosocial well-being and mental health of chil
Meaning An observational indicator of heightened performance monitoring is evident before symptom onset and is an identifiable risk factor for obsessive-compulsive disorder in preschool years. Abstract Importance Monitoring one’s performance is necessary for learning and adaptive behavior; however, heightened...
5) For capturing adverse effects the authors developed a checklist to evaluate probable adverse effects reported in the previous literature. The last item asks for any other side effect that is not present on the checklist. Symptom severity is scored on 4-point Likert scale (0 = not at all,...
All of the patients were referred by several neuropediatric departments in France and abroad but evaluated in a single Centre (Rothschild Foundation) and operated on by three senior neurosurgeons (GD, OD, SFS). A comprehensive history of the epilepsy and of family background was obtained for ...
carbamazapine and valproic acid have a variety of effectiveness in trials ranging from significant to minor decreases in symptom severity [8,25]. The need to closely monitor patients' blood drug level-especially in the case of lithium-has deterred its use in pediatric patients with CD. Stimulan...
PEDIATRIC SYMPTOM CHECKLISTEMOTIONAL-PROBLEMSPARENTAL STRESSAGEDCHILDRENINSTRUMENTSPREVALENCESOCIETIESVALIDITYPROGRAMThe German Version of the Child Behavior Checklist for ages 11/2-5, which is part of the Achenbach System of Empirically based Assessment (ASEBA), is evaluated using data from German speak...
As many as 31 preschool children in Nurul Islam Kindergarden involved in pre-experimental study with one group pre-test and post-test design using Preschool Pediatric Symptom Checklist Score (PPSC). Foot reflexology was applied 30min every day for 4 consecutive days on April 22–April 25, 2019...
Figure S5. Behavioral Symptom scores between the four clusters. Figure S6. Number of microbial taxa that correlate with stool histidine to urocanate turnover. Figure S7. Relationship between Social Skills and urocanate metabolism for participants with low histidine-urocanate turnover rates. Figure S8....
The Kohn Social Competence Scale and Kohn Symptom Checklist for the preschool child: A follow-up report. Journal of Abnor- mal Child Psychology, 5, 249 -263.Kohn, M. The Kohn social competence scale and Kohn symptom checklist for the preschool child: A follow-up report. Journal of Abnormal...