The Grouchy Ladybugby Eric Carle tells of a grouchy lady bug that refuses to share aphids with another ladybug. The grouchy insect flies off to pick a fight with a succession of ever-larger animals, until she meets her match, a whale. This book can be used to discuss feelings and behav...
11. Insect mobile Papier mache' - model earth & piggy bank Toilet roll bird feeder Sea anemone Sea urchin model NEW! Pinwheel paper craft Supplies for Modeling and Construction Activities Modelling Playdough Salt dough Additional equipment Construction ...
Alma’s questions engaged the children. Liam explained:You need clean water, otherwise you’ll be ill. If the water in the stream isn’t clean, you can’t drink it. Alma added:It is probably not clean if it looks dirty and muddy.At the same time as acknowledging the ethical dimension ...
They can even tell the size and shape of a tiny insect from its echo. Their ears are very sensitive and this helps the bat fly in darkness without hitting anything. Circle Game Choose one child to be the bat and cover his/her eyes with a bandana. Choose one or two children to be ...