20+ Color Activities forPreschool Lesson Plansare included in this Preschool Color Unit. Whether you are a preschool or kindergarten classroom teacher, a homeschooling parent, or just searching for some fun color theme activities to do with your child, these lesson plans will be the perfect resou...
And to give you a helping lesson planning hand, on the 1st of each month, I'll send you a free, downloadable theme starter pack to help with your theme planning (each pack includes activities for each of your interest learning centers). Join Now and Get Your First Theme Starter Pack ...
The full189-page Pumpkin Theme Lesson Plan Packalso includes: 5 Little Pumpkins Song Chart and Coordinating Cards (in color and b/w) Pumpkin Pie Class Graph Header and Voting Pieces How to Make Pumpkin Pie Sequencing Chart and Recording Sheet (in color and b/w) ...
This 185-page flower theme lesson plan set also includes: Initial Sound Flower Building Activity (in color and b/w) Flower Petal Counting 1-10 Emergent Reader (3 versions, in color and b/w) Uppercase and Lowercase Flowers for Hands-on Games and Activities (in color and b/w) ...
Flower and Tree Themed Lesson Plans Whether you are a preschool or kindergarten classroom teacher, a homeschooling parent, or just searching for some fun flower and tree theme activities to do with your child, these lesson plans will be the perfect resource for you!
Teaching preschoolers about transportation can be a fun and engaging way to introduce them to the world around them. Here are some quick lesson plan ideas for a transportation theme unit: Introductory Discussion (Circle Time): Begin with a discussion about different modes of transportation. Show pi...
Set up preschoolScience Centersfor different themes and let the kids explore a new theme every 1-2 weeks! We have printable packs to help you get started. Pin Kids love to share what they are doing with you.If you listen and ask questions,they will too! If you encourage them to think...
This 100th Day of School Theme page includes preschool lesson plans, activities and Interest Learning Center ideas for your Preschool Classroom!
At the top of each month I write down monthly focus concepts, like the theme, number of the month, and also the shape and color of the month. I also have that same information printed into a table, laying out each month’s focus concepts.Start by penciling in important dates for the...
Safari looking hats are fun as props to set the mood of the theme for the kids. Toy children’s binoculars or you could make some out of old toilet paper rolls that you simply tape or glue together. You could paint them or color them to make them look more real. ...