David is Chosen as King (1 Samuel 16) Preschool Bible Lesson Saul Makes A Big Mistake (1 Samuel 13) Preschool Bible Lesson More Bible Lessons for Preschoolers Are you looking for a Bible lesson to teach to a class of preschoolers? This page lists all the best places to find preschool Bib...
David took the food to his brothers. (Tell "David" to go hand the basket to the brothers.) When David got there, he heard Goliath spouting off as usual, daring someone to come and fight him. (Have "Goliath" dare the army again.) Again, no one would fight Goliath. (The Israelites ...
South Carolina, select themes that youth members are instructed to center their service around. One year they chose Matthew 22:36-38 as the inspiration -- a Bible verse that instructs people to love God with "all