Take time each day to name the people, situations, and things you are grateful for, an attitude of gratitude is one of the healthiest practices we can do for ourselves physically and spiritually. Pastor Teresa Prayer: “Today we thank you God for everything you have placed in our lives....
My prayer is that all is well as we move into the midst of this storm. Please hold on to the faith that the Lord has given you so that you will not stumble. I want to offer up a thank you to everyone who is walking in a worthy manner by serving and watching over one’s neighbo...
when before thoughts of physical suffering He murmured: ‘\Son, behold thy mother; Mother behold they Son.’When Christ died He killed death, for Christ knew to died was to pass to a world to be with him. Therefore
Thomas, . Smyth
Purpose of the confession portion of the prayer that we pray at the beginning of worship every Sunday morning (from the Book of Common Worship): Having praised the holiness of God, we must also face the sinful state of the world and of our lives, confessing our unworthiness to enter into...