Presbyterian University Hospital Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Presbyterian Womens Association Presbyterian World Service and Development Presbyterian Young Peoples Society Presbyterian Youth Conference Presbyterian Youth Connection Presbyterian Youth Connection Assembly ...
Every so often in life, you encounter people that manifest noble qualities so well that you are inspired to develop those qualities in yourself. Cindy was one of those people for me. The world would be a whole lot brighter with more Cindy Bolbachs. While she has entered the Church Triumpha...
I was admitted back into hospital and a cardiac telemetry unit was fitted. This was a device that listens to the heart in much more detail than the monitor that I had had and sends the information via the intranet to a monitoring team. This was on Thursday. On Friday Marian came in to...
Imaginative fund raising efforts went from one to another with little breathing space between them, a Bazaar, Street Appeal, Sports programme, socials to raise fund for the Salvation Army Crippled Soldiers Hospital, the YMCA Red Triangle Fund and the Red Jersey Fund Appeal to assist in closing ...