Mannitol in cases of eclampsia with PRES who do not respond to Inj. MgSO4 alone. Methods This is a referral hospital-based prospective study of 110 consecutive cases of eclampsia who were subjected to MRI/CT scan brain without contrast. All 110 women with eclampsia were treated with routine ...
In our case with VEG, the abnormalities seen on diffusion weighted images did not progress to corresponding changes in FLAIR or ADC maps and subsequently disappeared by day 10. In contrast, PRES had symmetric FLAIR changes in the first week, without changes in ADC images. VEG is distinct from...
Due to the lack of deviations in the previous tests, an MRI of the head with contrast was performed, in which small areas and hyperintense bands in the T2-weighted image (T2-WI) and Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) were visualized on both sides in the parieto-occipital areas ...
Computed tomography (CT) scans usually show vasogenic edema with a bi-hemispheric distribution [9]. However, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most important diagnostic tool; it is more sensitive to displaying hyperintense lesions in T2-weighted or fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) ...
With regard to the surgical procedure, posterior decompression with or without stabilization using pedicle screw constructs was performed for all patients. For extradural tumors of the spinal canal, we completely resected the dorsal and lateral portion of the tumor, while partially resecting ventrally ...