Follow-up MRI 3 weeks later demonstrated complete resolution. On direct questioning she revealed in recent months she had habitually eaten liquorice sweets each day; they were "on special offer" in her local shop. Liquorice contains a biologically active compound glycyrrhizic acid which inhibits 11...
Follow-up at 2 months after discharge showed her to be alert, with near-normal visual acuity (20/25) and intact color vision. She had residual right inferior quadrantanopia, apraxia, mild left hand weakness, and diffuse hyperreflexia. Head MRI showed evidence of encephalomalacia in the fronto...
She was submitted to an Electroencephalography (EEG) that showed normal, reduced electroencephalographic activity without sign of seizure, and a follow-up head CT scan showed an enlargement of the frontal ventricles (D), and the patient was given third ventriculostomy and a ventriculoperitoneal ...
Recovery of motor function at an early time point after surgery has been reported to be consistent for long-term follow-up.19 Moreover, by evaluating neurological recovery at an early time point after surgery, we can evaluate the effects of surgery for motor deficits, excluding the development ...
Follow-up at 2 months after discharge showed her to be alert, with near-normal visual acuity (20/25) and intact color vision. She had residual right inferior quadrantanopia, apraxia, mild left hand weakness, and diffuse hyperreflexia. Head MRI showed evidence of encephalomalacia in the fronto...
In result, PRES was diagnosed based on a brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidence with typical findings. After a strict multidisciplinary management, the clinical condition improved after 5 days of onset and recovered completely after a 4-month follow-up without any sequelae. Conclusion: In...
Today, brain MRI and CT are considered the most important diagnostic method for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with PRES [6]. Brain MRI better detects smaller focal parenhim abnormalities than brain CT. The most often neuroradiological finding is relatively symmetrical oedema of white ...
The patient improved clinically with the improvement of blood pressure and follow-up imaging in five weeks showed improvement of imaging findings. This presentation helps understand the approach to patients presenting with brainstem edema in the acute phase.Umair Hamid...
Within days of Rituximab cessation, the patient showed gradual improvement in symptoms, with resolution of cortical blindness and normalization of MRI findings. Follow-up assessments revealed complete neurological recovery without residual deficits. This instance emphasizes how crucial it is to take into ...
Objectives We report 2 cases in which we implanted BMC plus PRP in the osteonecrotic region with a clinical and imaging follow-up. Methods The first case is a 17-year old boy, followed at our Department, affected by JIA since he was 2 years old. He presented a systemic form, evolved ...