prerrogativa 音标:[pɾeroɣa'tiβa]发音 全球 生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 西汉-汉西词典 f. 1.权,优越,照顾: la ~ del cargo de diputado 议员职务权. la ~ del sexo 性别上的优越. la ~ de la edad <de la niñez, de la vejez> 对年龄<少年,老人>的照顾....
1. prerrogativa(privilegio): prerrogativa Vorrechtnt prerrogativa Privilegnt gozardeprerrogativas Vorrechtegenießen 2. prerrogativa(dignidad): prerrogativa großeEhref Beispielsätze für prerrogativas gozardeprerrogativas Vorrechtegenießen ...
LAS PRERROGATIVAS PARLAMENTARIAS: INVIOLABILIDAD, INMUNIDAD Y SUS LMITES CONSTITUCIONALESdoi:10.36151/td.2021.021In line with our historical tradition, the Spanish Constitution recognizes parliamentary prerogatives to members of the Cortes Generales (Parliament) to preserve the position...
Examples suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males Other users have misspelled prerogative as: perogative - 21.9% prerrogativa - 18.8% prerogativa - 6.2% prerpgative - 3.1% perogotive - 3.1% Other - 46.88%
SOBRE LAS PRERROGATIVAS PROCESALES EST JUSTIFICADA CONSTITUCIONALMENTE LA EXTENSIN DEL AFORAMIENTO EN ESPAA?doi:10.36151/td.2021.023The Spanish Constitution recognizes some traditional parliamentary privileges and extends one of them, in particular the privileged jurisdiction, to Prime Minister an...
doi:10.4067/S1726-569X2000000200009María Lucrecia RovalettiActa BioethicaRovaletti ML. Mas alla de la enfermedad: las prerrogativas de la biomedicina actual. Acta Bioethica 2000; VI(2): 309-319.
LAS PRERROGATIVAS PARLAMENTARIAS EN LA UNIN EUROPEA: UNOS PERSONAJES EN BUSCA DE AUTORdoi:10.36151/td.2021.027The regulation of parliamentary prerogatives in the European Union is the result of the confluence of provisions established by European law and the rules of the Member St...
EL CANCILLER DE LA AUDIENCIA Y CHANCILLERA DE SANTA FE: PREEMINENCIAS, HONORES Y PRERROGATIVASdoi:10.12795/Temas-Americanistas.2023.i51.11The importance that was given in the society of the Modern Age to aspects as interesting as the hierarchy, the ...