In the realm of alternative media, a familiar narrative is echoing loudly: the "deep state" is allegedly desperate to stop Donald Trump from returning to office because he poses a "dangerous" threat to the system. This rhetoric is eerily similar to …[Continue reading]about The “Deep State...
Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites. 1)The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and ...
What we know for sure is that Russia and Brazil are both pushing for a BRICS alternative currency. We also know that China, Argentina, India, Russia, and many other countries who once to relied strictly on the US dollar for international trade are now settling oil, gas, and other commodity...
It wasn’t that long ago thatZero Hedge, one of the biggest alternative news sites on the internet, got demonetized by Google. If we of the independent media don’t speak up, who will? How can we do nothing while the entire conversation is being taken over by radical elements with...
The underside of a big couch, or a hide-a-bed that isn’t truly a hide-a-bed is another easy place to hide supplies in plain sight. This is a much better alternative to things like a fake potted plant. Would-be looters might toss sofa cushions, zip or even cut into them. They ...
You’re in a deadly tornado’s path and can’t get through to 911 because the power is out. The good news is that you have options. Amateur radio (or ham radio) is an alternative means of communication during emergencies. Although ham radio is a fun hobby for many, instant communication...
Transportation could be very important in a SHTF scenario. Each person and each group has different treansportation needs and capabilities depending on a number of factors. We have discussed the aspects ofselecting a Bug Out Vehicle, but would a bicycle be a practical alternative or addition?
Whether you prefer the idea of using a long bow or a recurve bow, modern traditional bows are affordable and very effective. The longbow is a larger weapon with slightly curving limbs. The recurve bow has a more extreme curvature in the limbs which allows it to be more compact. ...
What do they know that we don’t? For those unaware , it was reported in December of 2014, in both mainstream and alternative news outlets that the US Treasury Department put out for bids topurchase $200,000 in Bug Out Bags for over 3800 federal bank examiners. ...
Mockers, scoffers, skeptics, and doubtershave put forth arguments and alternative theories, but one of the most convincing arguments for the truth of the resurrection of Jesus is thetransformed livesof His disciples. Immediately after having reported seeing Jesus alive, these previously cowardly, brok...