Mr Coombes explained reporters that he wanted to "put a smile people's faces, even if it's only for one day". He added: "There's necessities, but kids, you need a bit more than bread and water. I just thought I'd fill the plane junk food and bring a little bit happiness the ...
Workersbuiltsheltersforsurvivors(whosehomeshadbeendestroyed).定语Tomisnolongertheboy(thathewasinchildhood).表语 RelativeAdverbs:when,where,why 作用:在从句中作状语(时间、地点和原因)1.时间状语:when =onwhich,atwhich,duringwhichThedaysaregonewhenhorse-drawncarriagesonwhichwereacommonsightinthestreet.2.地点...