topic: PREPOSITIONS (on, at, in - part 4)Choose the correct preposition for each of the sentences:1. I talked to him ___ the weekend.a) at b) in c)on 2. The dog is ___ the doghouse.a) at b) in c)on 3. I eat breakfast ___ the morning.a) at b) in ...
at in on beneath 5. They met --- Miami --- 2004. at / at to / in at / in in / in You are here: >>Home>>English For Beginners>>Beginners ESL Practice 6. My friends will be there --- two or three hours. at on in for...
on to 2. Tokyo is the most crowded city --- the world. on at in over 3. Don't walk --- the street! Walk here --- the sidewalk. in / on on / at at / on in / to 4. I'm going to meet my friends, --- Times Square tonight. on at in over 5. He tried to open the...
英语中的介词(Prepositions in English)1. prepositions indicating location 1) at, in, on, to, for At (1) stands in a small place; (2) means "in"... Nearby"In (1) stands in a large place; (2) means "in"... Within limits"."On" means adjacent to, bordering on... Top"."To...
This conference aims at exploring prepositions under a new light, that of their affinity with aspect. The aptitude of prepositions to conform to the aspect of a process, be it a transitive telic interpretation (e.g. Jack wolfed down his sandwich in / *for five seconds flat) or to modulate...
Around As At Before Behind Below Beneath Beside Between Beyond But By Concerning Despite Down During Except For From In Into Like Near Next Of Off On Onto Out Outside Over Past Per Round Since Through Throughout To Toward Under Underneath Unlike Until Under Up Upon With Within Without ...
al (upon) en (in, at) al lado de (beside) encima de (above, on top) ante (before) enfrente de (in front of) antes de (before) entre (between, among) bajo (under) fuera de (outside) cerca de (near) hacia (towards) como (like) hasta (until) con (with) lejos de...
On the other hand, have a look at this next sentence: Das Bild hängtan derWand.(The picture is hanging on the wall.) This one expresses a static position: It tells the reader where the picture is, and implies no direction. In this case, theantakes thedative:an der Wand. ...
This conference aims at exploring prepositions under a new light, that of their affinity with aspect. The aptitude of prepositions to conform to the aspect of a process, be it a transitive telic interpretation (e.g. Jack wolfed down his sandwich in / *for five seconds flat) or to modulate...
Inthesentence,"Thebookisonthetable,"whatdoesonmean? Onmeans"aboveandsupportedby." —Innootherlanguagearetheprepositions(iftheyexistatall)theexactequivalents ofEnglishprepositions. Example: SpanishEnglish ViveenWashington.HelivesinWashington. ViveenlaAvenidaNewJersey.HelivesonNewJerseyAvenue. ...