prepayment invoice 读音:美英 prepayment invoice基本解释 预付发票 分词解释 prepayment先付,预缴 invoice发票 prepayment invoice是什么意思 prepayment invoice怎么读 prepayment invoice在线翻译 prepayment invoice中文意思 prepayment invoice的解释 prepayment invoice的发音 prepayment invoice意思是什么 prepayment invoice怎么...
You can create a prepayment invoice following the creation of a sales or purchase order. For each sale or buy line, you have the option of using the preset percentages or changing the amount as needed. You may, for instance, indicate the order’s overall total price. To create a prepaymen...
the system automatically settles the prepayment against the invoice that you created. If you didn't settle the prepayment against the purchase order, you can manually settle it against the invoice by usingSettle transactionson theVendorpage.
The vendor submits a prepayment invoice. The Accounts payable coordinator records the prepayment invoice against the purchase order, and then the prepayment invoice is paid. After the vendor delivers the goods or services, and the related vendor invoices are received, the Accounts payable coord...
The Sellershall carry out the shipment of the Product only after the receipt of the full prepayment, unless any other term is specified in the Agreement.2. PREPAYMENT IN PART2.1. The Buyer shall make a prepayment in the amount specified in thePrepayment invoice, but in any case, not less ...
1⃣️ 首先,要注意每月输入的发票(Invoice)非常重要。有些发票的描述会明确写明覆盖未来的时间段,例如年度维护合同,这种发票很明显应该放入Prepayment。⚠️记得查看发票的开始和结束时间哦。2⃣️ 对于Period标注不明显的发票,需要根据“经验”或者上司的指示进行处理。这种情况一般会在月末调账时进行。例如,...
invoice 发票、付款通知6) payable after date 发票日后定期付款 例句>> 补充资料:虚开增值税专用发票、用于骗取出口退税、抵扣税款发票罪 虚开增值税专用发票、用于骗取出口退税、抵扣税款发票罪:指违反国家税收征管和发票管理规定、为他大虚开、为自己虚开、让他人为自己虚开、介绍他人虚开增值税专用发票或者用于...
The invoice created for a customer for the amount to be prepaid on a sales order or the invoice received for the amount to be prepaid on a purchase order. MicrosoftLanguagePortal 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ prepayment invoice "自动翻译成 塞尔维亚文 рачунзаунапредплаћа...
类似于 "prepayment invoice" 的短语,可翻译成 土耳其文 prepayment amount invoiced faturalanan peşinat tutarı 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“prepayment invoice"翻译成 土耳其文 变形干 匹配词 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。 您可以尝试更宽松的搜索以获得一些结果。
To clear the invoice or credit memo, selectTax Invoice (B2B). To report the invoice or credit memo, selectSimplified Tax Invoice (B2C). Supply Date– Enter the date on which the supply is made. For credit and debit notes, it is the original supply date. ...