The Time for roasting is the same with that of boiling, a Matter Of an Hour to every Pound of Meat.Mutton.] All joints of Mutton, except a Leg, require a brisker Fire than Beef. Baste it with Butter; and flour it often, but, if it be very large, and you suspect it to be Ram...
Preparation of sausages such as raw sausages, boiled sausages, cooked sausages or sausage spread, comprises using only animal ingredients such as pure muscle meat (having a fat content of 5 wt.%) from the leg and/or the shoulder of pigs and optionally pork liver (having fat content of 6 ...
Preparation of sausages such as raw sausages, boiled sausages, cooked sausages or sausage spread, comprises using only animal ingredients such as pure muscle meat (having a fat content of 5 wt.%) from the leg and/or the shoulder of pigs and optionally pork liver (having fat content of 6 ...