Sandwich rolls– Prefer a toasted bun to sushi rice and rice paper? Make a creamy shrimp salad and stuff it inside a soft roll. Or simply swap out the crab and use shrimp to make thiscrab sandwich roll. All the salads– Toss ’em on your favorite salad recipes for more protein and su...
sweet onion, and green onion. Get a separate bowl and add ¼ cup balsamic vinegar, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and 1 gram of sweetener until the sweetener is fully dissolved. Pour the dressing over the salad and add as much salt and pepper as you’d like. Refrigerate and then serve....
Shred 2 pounds of broccoli with a food processor's shredding disk. Add to the dressing bowl along with currants, ½ small red onion, and ¾ cup toasted almonds. Mix well. Adjust seasoning if necessary. Let sit for 30 minutes at room temp or 1 hour in the fridge before serving for ...