Consider also, in the parable of the virgins, the wise are prepared and rewarded, but the foolish are unprepared and turned away (Matthew 25:1-13); while is is true that this parable (and the other scriptures quoted) have spiritual meanings, it does suggest that Christians should also be ...
However, the strongest clinical evidence demonstrating the beneficial effect of probiotics on human health is immunity increase (immunomodulation) [4-9]. Probiotics may be consumed in the form of pharmaceutical preparations, food supplements or food additives. LAB probiotic bacteria may play a role of...
Lycopene is the strongest antioxidant as for the removal of fat-soluble free radicals in the body. Lycopene can inhibit the production of lipid peroxide, can prevent adult diseases, including prevent cardiovascular disease and prostate or digestive tract cancer, inhibit colorectal cancer and bladder ...
integrity of genome and proteome, and providing defense against foreign molecules and external conditions that may damage or destroy the cell [1]. Since the membranes incorporate a variety of proteins that perform cellular functions, it is of importance to analyze the membrane proteomes. However, ...
Spray Flash Evaporation is established for co-crystallization of such explosive pairs with non-concomitant solubility. Ultra fast removal of solvent forced the solute molecules to arrange themselves into kinetically favorable lattice orientations to build the co-crystals. Both the co-crystals, CL-20:...
Experiments of different coating ratios show that the coating ratio 1:1 of Si:(Y+Nd) produces the best crystallinity and strongest fluorescence intensity. Further increase of the coating ratio does not show any improvements of the crystallinity, and may even causes the decrease of the relative ...
Hence, immunostimulation using biologically active natural compounds is an effective strategy to strengthen the body’s defense systems [18]. Macrophages are known to play a pivotal role in the immune defense and surveillance. Most natural bioactive compounds were reported to activate macrophages ...
As can be seen, except for the random trend, there is a trend that the strongest binding energies Eb* in the γ-CL-20/FOX-7 are larger than those in ε-CL-20/FOX-7 and β-CL-20/FOX-7. Furthermore, for γ-CL-20/FOX-7, the binding energies Eb* on the (1 1 0) and (1 ...
(Table 5). As can be seen, except for the random trend, there is a trend that the strongest binding energiesEb*in the γ-CL-20/FOX-7 are larger than those in ε-CL-20/FOX-7 and β-CL-20/FOX-7. Furthermore, for γ-CL-20/FOX-7, the binding energiesEb*on the (1 1 0) ...
According to the results in Table 4, TCP3, TCP6, and TCP9 collectively showed minimal half clearance concentration (EC50), indicated that they have the strongest antioxidant activity among 11 isolated peptides. Given these results, TCP3, TCP6, and TCP9 were selected for the experiments of ...