The benefit of these cards is that you know the exact exchange rate and fee when you load the card. You’re not at the mercy of ATM operators or overseas currency exchange services. It gives you certainty on costs, as well as helping you to control what you spend. 📚 What makes for...
Rewards cards that offer flat rates, like 1% or 2% on purchases, normally offer unlimited rewards. The fact that these versions of the Card don't is disappointing. Transaction limits There are limits to how much you can ...
Prepaid travel cards are just like ordinary debit cards, but with one key difference. Instead of drawing money from your bank account, you’ll need toload a prepaid card with your chosen currency before you travel. So if you’re going to the US, you might choose to load $500 or $1000...
Rewards cards that offer flat rates, like 1% or 2% on purchases, normally offer unlimited rewards. The fact that these versions of the Card don't is disappointing. Transaction limits There are limits to how much you can ...
The FairFX Currency Card hasthe highest maximum load limitof all the prepaid travel cards on our list. You can hold up to £50,000 on the card at once.⁸ Although unfortunately, its list ofsupported currencies doesn’t include Turkish lira. So, you’ll need to spend in euros in Turk...
Rewards cards that offer flat rates, like 1% or 2% on purchases, normally offer unlimited rewards. The fact that these versions of the Card don't is disappointing. Transaction limits There are limits to how much you can load onto a ...
Rewards cards that offer flat rates, like 1% or 2% on purchases, normally offer unlimited rewards. The fact that these versions of the Card don't is disappointing. Transaction limits There are limits to how much you can load ...
Rewards cards that offer flat rates, like 1% or 2% on purchases, normally offer unlimited rewards. The fact that these versions of the Card don't is disappointing. Transaction limits There are limits to how much you can ...