Create True Five numbers to reach family member directly by entering one 866 phone number. Create your very own US 800 number or local United States area code number With True Minutes™ you’ll never be cheated out of your minutes again and access to features never before offered to consu...
When calling from USA to Liberia dial 011+231+Phone Number Phone card rates for calls from USA to Liberia: Phone CardRate Night Owl - Sova28.5 ¢/mindetails Africa MAMA28.9 ¢/mindetails The Good Card29.5 ¢/mindetails Happy Hours Europa29.8 ¢/mindetails ...
When calling from USA to France dial 011+33+Phone Number View Rates for calls to France, Mobile >>> View Rates for calls to France, Paris >>> View Rates for calls to France, Premier >>> Phone card rates for calls from USA to France: ...
Phone Card (No Longer Supported)Low-cost Calls Without Using a Phone Card Previously, a Calling Card service was available for international calls, but it was expensive and complicated. Therefore, it has been discontinued. Now, staying connected is both easier and more affordable. With VoIPVoIP,...
** We will return your call at the number you used to access the "Call Me" service. Please make sure that your service provider transmits your phone number accurately so we can return your call. We will not be able to contact you if your telephone number hides your caller ID.Search...
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Calling Number DisplayFree Missed Call AlertFree Call Forwarding ServiceHong Kong Number: $0.45/mins after call forward Mainland China Number: $0.6/min after call forward (You can forward calls of both the Hong Kong number and Mainland China Number to a same designated Hong Kong phone n...
Choose an International Calling Card from Enjoy Prepaid and you can expect: Low international calling rates, great quality, instant PIN delivery and 24/7 customer service in several languages.