基线未检测到的HIV感染 vs PrEP期间依从性不佳导致HIV感染 在使用PrEP的人群中,耐药发生率很低,PrEP仅适用于未感染HIV的HIV暴露高风险人群。临床研究显示,耐药主要发生在两种情况中,总体来说,1)基线未检测到的HIV感染,由于PrEP不是完整ART方案,导致耐药;2)使用PrEP期间依从性不佳,因为达不到有效血药浓度...
FrankfurtGermanymass gathering eventsThis paper describes emergency medical preparedness during FIFA (F茅d茅ration Internationale de Football Association) World Cup matches in Frankfurt, Germany, in 2006. The methods employed were document analysis and personal observation of games over five days in June...
2012年,WHO即开始推荐血清学不一致的夫妇、与HIV高风险男性发生男男无保护性行为的男性和跨性别女性使用口服PrEP[1]以预防HIV感染。 2015年,基于PrEP有效性和可接受性方面更有力的证据,WHO将推荐人群的范围扩大到全部HIV新发感染率超过3/100人年的易感染HIV危险行为人群[2]。截至2020年,已有130个国家在国家指南中...
2012年,世界卫生组织(WHO)即开始推荐血清学不一致的夫妇、与HIV高风险男性发生男男无保护性行为的男性和跨性别女性使用口服PrEP[1]以预防HIV感染。 2015年,基于PrEP有效性和可接受性方面更有力的证据,WHO将推荐人群的范围扩大到全部HIV...
If you’ve used oral PrEP before and you’re HIV negative but think there’s a high chance you might get exposed to HIV in the future, we can prescribe medicine that can protect you from it. There’s no need for a face-to-face appointment but we do need to check that treatment is...
"Together, the health gains in HIV treatment, the resulting reduction in transmission, and PrEP provide the necessary tools to end the HIV epidemic. Success in the next chapter in confronting this epidemic demands that these tools be widely acc...
编者按:2024年5月9日,中国国家药品监督管理局(NMPA)官网显示,葛兰素史克公司的卡替拉韦钠片和卡替拉韦注射液正式获批,用于具有感染风险的成人和青少年(体重≥35 kg)的HIV-1暴露前预防(PrEP),以降低该群体感染HIV-1的风险。值得注意的是,去年10月,由...
Results showed an 86% (95% CI: 4098) relative reduction in HIV incidence among participants with tenofovir disoproxil fumarateemtricitabine vs. placebo. The present pooled analysis aimed to analyze (i) participants adherence to the prescribed treatment and/or condom use during sexual intercourse and...
“We are pleased to have identified an alternative vial for lenacapavir, and to now advance the robust clinical program for this potential first-in-class long-acting option for HIV treatment and prevention,” said Merdad Parsey, MD, PhD, chief medical officer, Gilead Sciences, in a press rel...
全世界有超2.5亿慢性HBV感染者[1],由于有共同的传播途径,HBV感染者同时也是HIV感染的高风险人群,全球范围内,HIV感染者中近10%合并有HBV感染[2],最新系统评价和荟萃分析显示,我国的合并感染比例更是高达11.3%[3]。 在未对HBV感染进行有效治疗的情况下,与单独的HIV感染者相比,HBV/HIV合并感染者肝病进展加速,肝癌...