For maximum benefit Chinese students should start at prep schools at thebeginning of Year 6 as the Common Entrance syllabus is taught from that year.This will be when the pupils are 10 rising to 11 years old during the academicyear. 六年级是最利于中国学生开始入读的预备年级,因为从这一年开始...
🔹 为毕业后入读Prep Schools作准备,衔接私立小学或中学部。 🔹 不少Pre-prep学校直接挂钩私立小学或中学部,能够相对简单地直升本校中学部。 2 Pre-Prep School的学费 Pre-prep的费用因应地区差异很大,大部分学校一个学期的费用为3,000-7,500英镑...
Magoosh provides effective and affordable test prep that enables teachers to help their students improve their scores in the classroom and on the go.
Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls成立于1875年,是一所面向4-18岁女孩的走读学校,优异的学业成绩让其傲视英国众多学校,位于前列。该校最与众不同地方在于——其毗邻Haberdashers'Aske's Boys' School实现了男女同校环境下的单性...
Prep schools 和 pre-prep schools,针对年龄4-13岁的学生的私立学校,称为“预备学校”,顾名思义,也就是为英国学生在11岁或13岁时进入私立中学做好准备的学校。 一般来说Pre-pre school是3-4岁入学,为学生7-8岁进入Pre-school做好准备,也有的学校是一直从4岁读到11+或13岁+的 发布于 2019-05-23 14:...|基于9个网页 3. 大学预科学校 ...眼光投向了精英级的私立学校,他们被美国家长昵称为“大学预科学校”(Prep Schools).当小布什总统在位时,提出在美国公 …|基于2个网页 更多释义
Magoosh provides effective and affordable test prep that enables teachers to help their students improve their scores in the classroom and on the go.
held at school and at the Wandle Recreation Centre, this term our children have also had swimming lessons, sports fixtures (tag rugby, football, netball and hockey) with other local schools and also had weekly climbing a sessions @parthian_climbing_ldn. We can’t wait for next term’s #...
Gymnasium,lycee,lyceum,middle school,secondary school- a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college; usually grades 9 to 12 choir school,schola cantorum- a school that is part of a cathedral or monastery where boys with singing ability can receive a general education ...
School,英国也是,但是他们大部分指代公立小学。英国预备学校(Prep School)是针对英国资产家庭及目标进入...