6、Michael W Traeger,et al,JAMA.2019 Apr 9;321(14):1380-1390. 7、Golub S et al. STI data from community-based PrEP implementation suggest changes to CDC Guidelines. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, abstract 869, 2016. 8、Reitsema M, Xiridou M et al.AIDS,...
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10. CDC. https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/estimates/preventionstrategies.html 11. Caceres et al. J Int AIDS Soc. 2015 Jul 20;18(4 Suppl 3):19949. 12. US CDC. PrEP for the Prevention of HIV Infection in the United States – 2017 Update...
近日,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)批准ViiV Healthcare研发的长效注射针剂卡博特韦(cabotegravir,英文商品名Apretude),用于体重≥35公斤(77磅)的高风险成人和青少年进行HIV暴露前预防(PrEP)。这是全球首款无需每日服药的长效PrEP方案。 PrEP的重大突破 HIV...
In October 2023, the CDC released data regarding PrEP uptake in the United States. The data indicated that in 2022, for the first time, more than one-third of individuals who could benefit from PrEP had been prescribed it. While this advancement is certainly significant, as PrEP coverage is...
PrEP has been recommended by the FDA, WHO and CDC PrEP has been found 92% effective against HIV infection The PrEP LA Team Dr. Michael Gottlieb Dr. Philip Musikanth Dr. Peter J. Ruane Dr. Peter R. Wolfe Kenny Trinidad MPAP, PA-C ...
https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/policies/data/transgender-issue-brief.html. Accessed July 5, 2022. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HIV Declines Among Young People and Drives Overall Decrease in New HIV Infections. May 23, 2023. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2023/p0523-hiv-declines...