but I’m not sure I need to own it. I’ve been burned by King books before. I either love them or fall squarely on “meh”, and if this happens to be a “meh”, I’ll regret having spent money on a hardcover. So as much as I want to readThe Outsider, I may ...
Buy on Barnes & Noble Buy on Books a Million Buy on Indigo Buy on Indibound Buy on Mango Press Buy on TargetTHE COVER The publisher first sent me a series of white covers with muted watercolor accents and the title in black block letters. I sent out a Mayday to my friend Karen Sperry...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Cassie Clare (@cassieclare1) Here is a list where fans around the world can preorderQueen of Air and Darkness(hardcover): Amazon US/Barnes and Noble/ Book Depository (paperback/hardcover) /Amazon UK(paperback) /Amazon Germany/Amazon Canada/Amazon...
Good until the end of day on 1/27/23,coupon code PREORDER25gets you 25% offBook Pre-Ordersat the Barnes and Noble website. The coupon is good for online orders only. Terms, restrictions, limitations, etc, etc, apply… They even have 39 pre-order books in thePhotography Category, incl...
Eventually he gave up on it, and the book waited patiently in my virtual drawer through The Truth books, through the Dragonfly series... and my beta readers kept asking and asking when I was going to publish it. Well, the time has come!And I think it's the right time. ...
Barnes & Noble (BKS -0.8%) announces the Nook HD and Nook HD+ are available for preorder online.