キーボードショートカットのCommand/Control + Kキー(MacとWindowsでそれぞれ適正な方を使ってください)を使うか、タイムライン/Clipを分割を選択します。これで同じファイルから2つのクリップが出来ました。これを別々に編集できます。
使用本指南可帮助您了解 Premiere Pro 的功能。Premiere Pro 是一款行业领先的电影、电视和 Web 视频编辑软件。 首先,请单独访问每个章节,学习免费的 Premiere Pro 培训或访问社区,以从头开始创建一个项目。参加讨论访问Premiere Pro 社区以激发灵感,并获取最常见的问题答案。
1. 导入素材和创建项目 导入素材: 启动Premiere Pro,创建一个新的项目。 导入您的视频素材,将其拖动到时间线上。 创建序列: 在项目窗口中右键点击导入的视频素材,选择“新建序列”(New Sequence from Clip),创建一个与视频素材匹配的序列。 2. 打开Essential Graphics面板 打开Essential Graphics面板: 点击窗口顶部...
In addition, Premiere Pro has in-built features that optimize mask tracking: For clips with a height greater than 1080, Premiere Pro scales the frame to 1080 before calculating the track. Also, Premiere Pro uses Low Quality renders to speed up the process of mask tracking. ...
Video effects apply to the entire selected clip, irrespective of the people in it.CapCut effects include vignetting, blur types, color effects, animated overlays, and more. Body effects include electric shock lines, ghost effects, aura, and hand drawn doodles....
Some even t-code near every non-RAW clip to X codec of their choice. Simply to get the simplest project management and most reliable workflow possible. But it both simplifies and speeds The Job ... which is all they care about. For some reason, a lot of editors don't ...
clip gain 【修剪增益】clip name 【存放名称】clip notes 【剪辑注释】clip overlap 【重叠时间】 蓝羽静 剪入魔锋 10 clip result values 【用于防止设置颜色值的所有功能函数项超出限定范围】clip sample 【原始画面】clip speed/duration【 片段播放速度/持续时间】clipped corner rectangle tool 【尖角矩形工具...
这是因为序列就像一个空白容器,用于存放我们的视频素材(片段 Clip)。序列可以理解为空白胶片 我们在空白胶片上加入经处理的片段后,就形成了电影胶片。 那么将空白胶片加工成型为电影胶片是在什么地方进行的?在时间线(Timeline或Timeline Panel)中进行的。 时间线面板如下 时间码 介绍 时间码的一套标准是美国电影与...
frames rendered. While not a 100% pure encoding test (some resources are still being used to process the DNxHR clip, scale it, and process the noise overlay), this is about as close as a pure encoding test that we are able to do in Premiere Pro without getting into highly artificial ...