Premier Inn offer quality hotels in nearly every major hotel area in central London. Explore our guide to the best Premier Inn hotels in London.
To give you a little inn-spiration, we’ve created a guide ofall the best things to do in Londonthroughout your trip, as well astop activities to do in London for free! All Central London hotels hub London City Bankhub London Clerkenwellhub London Covent Gardenhub London Goodge Streethub...
在Premier Inn London City(Old Street)享受全新的体验。 从奥林匹克公园到碎片大道,您可以欣赏到伦敦天际线的迷人景色,然后探索一些隐藏的风光,不为人知的赛道和标志性的景点。 深入了解位于斯皮塔佛德(Spitalfields),布里克巷(Brick Lane)和衬裙巷(Petticoat Lane)周围伦敦最丰富多彩的市场。 在巴比肯观看一些前沿表演...
Premier Inn information, news and features Premier Inn news Want to hear all the latest updates from Premier Inn, hub and ZIP? Visit our news page to stay up to date with competitions, travel tips and more. New hotels From city centres to seafronts and beyond, we’ll be opening new hot...
伦敦城市银行(Hub by Premier Inn London City Bank) St Swithin's Ln, 伦敦城, 伦敦显示地图 体验位于伦敦市中心的buxx - 它位于首都商业中心的中心地带,周围环绕着精品酒吧和咖啡馆。此外,附近有银行和纪念碑等地铁站,参观圣保罗大教堂和伦敦塔等地标也不容易。与朋友在线聊天或通过yoursmart电视观看新的大片。
回到酒店后,您可以在我们新一代的卧室中休息,体验无与伦比的40英寸平板电视,带大淋浴头的翻新浴室,以及全新,助眠特大号Hypnos床。 您还可以在酒店内的Thyme餐厅享用传统和现代菜肴,享用我们著名的Premier Inn早餐,让您在早上振作起来。查看更多 选择房间
我们的伦敦码头区(Excel)Premier Inn酒店满足您所期望的需求,每间客房都配有令人难以置信的舒适床铺,酒店供应传统和现代菜肴的综合餐厅。查看更多 选择房间 查看所有34张照片 3.8分 显示所有45条点评 非常好的酒店,物超所值,非常干净,顶部有接待处。非常适合在伦敦逗留。优质的床上用品和美味的早餐。 1.29公里 1.16...
From super-comfy beds, to refreshing pools and well-equipped gyms, our Premier Inn hotels offer great value rooms in the Middle East’s popular cities.
Our Premier Inn app has had a makeover! Download today to find great value rooms, book with flexible rates, manage your existing bookings and more. The Premier Inn app gives you access to 800+ hotels across the UK, Ireland and Germany at low prices. Whether you’re planning family holiday...
Premier Inn Newcastle hotels – great value stays close to Newcastle city centre, along the River Tyne, Jesmond and St. James’ Park. Kids eat breakfast for free.